The MadMetalMan goes to a CD and record fair and buys lots of CDs and DVDs from a bunch of old people

*Deke count: A measly 23 🙂 Lots of photos today for you all. Yesterday I was a purveyor at the biannual CD and record fair around these parts and, like usual, I got quite a score. This time marked the fourth instance I had frequented the event (but only the second to be chronicled here).Continue reading “The MadMetalMan goes to a CD and record fair and buys lots of CDs and DVDs from a bunch of old people”

Songs of the Week Jr- Happy Birthday

This is more of a fun one. This week saw the second anniversary of the site, and though I didn’t do a full-blown anniversary week like last year, I still wanted to tip my hat to the milestone. So we’re looking at some of the best songs with the words ‘happy birthday’ in their title.Continue reading “Songs of the Week Jr- Happy Birthday”

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