Mix CD Monthly- It’s my

Needless to say, this is one of my favorite mix CDs. It was created in the immediate aftermath of the brilliant 1981 show on the Lebrain Train, as just in that show alone I discovered so much great music. The thesis behind the disc is that it chronicles and houses songs that fall into atContinue reading “Mix CD Monthly- It’s my”

Tee Bone Songs of the Week

This week marked the final episode of The Lebrain Train. After more than two years, the train pulled into the station for the last time with a chat with Marco D’Auria (feat. Martin Popoff) about the formers upcoming documentary about Mystique. It was one of countless great shows we’ve had, and a fine end. SoContinue reading “Tee Bone Songs of the Week”

Songs of the Week Jr- Happy Birthday

This is more of a fun one. This week saw the second anniversary of the site, and though I didn’t do a full-blown anniversary week like last year, I still wanted to tip my hat to the milestone. So we’re looking at some of the best songs with the words ‘happy birthday’ in their title.Continue reading “Songs of the Week Jr- Happy Birthday”

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