The Great Recap of 2022

Yes I know it’s late, but I was preoccupied with cranking out Lego art. Sue me (please don’t). But in any case, better late then never, eh? And so we find ourselves once again at the end of another year. This one was quite eventful with several returning favourites to go with the new ventures.Continue reading “The Great Recap of 2022”

Song of the Week Jr- Joey

Today’s band are one that I like very much, and the song I’ve chosen is the one I’ve known for the longest. It was part of a CD that I remember being one of my earliest memories of hearing in the car. Top 3 Renditions 1- The Studio Version A perfect balance of softish instrumentationContinue reading “Song of the Week Jr- Joey”

Concrete Blonde: Bloodletting [1990 Australian tour souvenir edition] (Review)

This disc may be my newest acquisition, but some of these songs and I go back more than fifteen years. So when I stumbled across this disc the other day, and saw that it had all my favorites from the band, I had to get it. And now I’m telling you why you should getContinue reading “Concrete Blonde: Bloodletting [1990 Australian tour souvenir edition] (Review)”

Songs of the Week Jr- Happy Birthday

This is more of a fun one. This week saw the second anniversary of the site, and though I didn’t do a full-blown anniversary week like last year, I still wanted to tip my hat to the milestone. So we’re looking at some of the best songs with the words ‘happy birthday’ in their title.Continue reading “Songs of the Week Jr- Happy Birthday”

My Sunday Song- “God is a Bullet” by Concrete Blonde

Alright, let’s clear things up first. This format is not an original conception of mine and has been hijacked straight from 2Loud2oldmusic because I really wanted to talk about this song and I couldn’t do it within the confines of a regular song of the week. But you should definitely check him out. He’s aContinue reading “My Sunday Song- “God is a Bullet” by Concrete Blonde”

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